Duo personal training | The Gym Amsterdam
Duo personal training

Duo personal training

Are you and a friend, colleague or partner looking for professional duo personal training in Amsterdam? Then you are most welcome at The Gym Amsterdam. Our gym is an accessible high-end club located in the heart of De Pijp in Amsterdam South. Are you coming to meet us?

CTA The Gym Amsterdam Personal (kick)boxing



What is duo personal training?

With duo personal training, also known as 1 on 1 training, we completely tailor the training program to your personal goals. We not only guide you in training, we also get started with nutrition and mental coaching.

Advantages of duo personal training

Duo personal training is motivating, but has many more benefits:

  • Fun: training together = having fun together
  • Achieving goals: even though you train together, our personal trainer will draw up a program that is fully tailored to your personal goals
  • Varied: Every workout is different
  • Affordable: share the costs and double the fun!
  • Extra motivation: your training partner will motivate you to skip as few training sessions as possible!
  • Healthy competition: by training together you motivate each other to push your limits.

CTA The Gym Amsterdam Personal (kick)boxing



Working on your personal goals with duo personal training

Everybody is different. Chances are that you and your buddy both want to achieve different goals with the help of duo personal training. We therefore fully tailor the training program to your personal wishes. This way we can help you with:

1. Lose weight

2. Build muscle mass

3. Improve fitness


CTA The Gym Amsterdam Personal (kick)boxing



Duo personal training Amsterdam

Looking for duo personal training in Amsterdam? At The Gym Amsterdam in Amsterdam-Zuid, we are happy to help you and your sports buddy to achieve your goals. You are very welcome to come and meet us in our gym. Contact us and we will schedule a free intake! We hope to see you soon in our health in Amsterdam South.

  • An exclusive and intimate gym in Amsterdam-South
  • Personal training under supervision of professional trainers with many years of experience
  • A sustainable relationship in order to achieve personal goals
  • A body composition analyser for optimum results
  • A free intake!